Lab members
Eric Capo is Assistant Professor at the Department of Ecology and Environmental Science at Umeå University (Sweden). He has a PhD in molecular paleoecology with expertise in aquatic microbial ecology and is the founder of the sedaDNA scientific society, a network about sedDNA research.
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Júlia Dordal Soriano is a PhD student from Andrea Garcia Bravo at the ICM-CSIC (Barcelona). Her current research focuses on the study of microbial processes and environmental factors that control mercury transformations in the global ocean, with particular emphasis on the formation of methylmercury.
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Nicola Gambardella is a PhD student from Catarina Magalhães group at "LaCaixa" INPhINIT fellowship program at CIIMAR (Porto, Portugal) working on prokaryotic communities involved in permafrost N and Hg cycling with molecular and bioinformatic approaches (metagenomics, metatranscriptomics).
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Sébastien Leveque is a PhD student from Nick Kamenos group investigating the acclimation and adaptation of the coral holobiont. He mainly focus on the symbiotic community composition within coral reefs using molecular ecology tools.
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Lourdes Martínez-García is a postdoc from Nick Kamenos group looking at the coral resilience to climate change by studying the historical symbiotic breakdowns between coral and microalgal symbiotic species using ancient DNA. During her PhD, she used ancient DNA and stable isotope methods to provide a long-term genomic and historical exploitation perspective of Atlantic cod.
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Maïlys Picard is a postdoc in Eric's lab, looking at historical shifts of photosynthetic communities in Swedish lakes using sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA). Her PhD investigated the link between cyanobacterial blooms and non-native fish introduction in New Zealand lakes, also using sedaDNA (University of Waikato, Cawthron Institute, New Zealand).
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Anton Sandström is a master’s student investigating microbial communities within a lake ecosystem, utilising both sediment cores and water samples to study their dynamics and ecological roles.

Baraa Rehamnia is a postdoctoral researcher in Eric Capo's lab, specializing in microbial survival in aquatic sediments through metagenomics. Her current research focuses on uncovering the survival pathways of resilient microorganisms, particularly those thriving in low-energy environments in deep aquatic sediments. During her PhD, Baraa examined the biotechnological potential of bacteria from previously unexplored Algerian caves.

Dongna Yan is a postdoc working in Zhisheng An group at the Institute of Earth Environment (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, Shaanxi). Her current research focus on the study of past ecological environmental changes recoded by sedDNA (e.g., metabarcoding, metagenomics) and geochemical indicators, with particular emphasis on the history shifts of phytoplankton community and ARGs. During her PhD, she used sedDNA and multiple geochemical-physical indicators to study the impacts of climate changes and human activities on cyanobacterial community changes over the past millennium in Lake Chenghai (China).
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Li Zhao is a post-doc working in the field of marine microbial ecology in the group of Agneta Andersson, focusing on how dissolved organic matter (DOM) influences microbial community function, particularly in the context of climate change. Li’s projects focus on the effects of increased DOM on microbial community composition and to establish linkage between key microbial functional genes expression and DOM conditions.
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Meifang Zhong is a PhD student working on microbial metabolisms of deoxygenated marine systems with molecular (paleo)ecology approaches (metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, MAGs).
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- Marissa Despins (visiting PhD student, 2024)
- Yu Zhao (visiting PhD student, 2024)
- Fredrik Olajos (PhD student, 2023-2024)
- Anthony Khairallah (Master student, 2024)
- Panagiota Xhantopoulou (visiting PhD student, 2024)
Main collaborators
- Inger G Alsos (UiT, Tromsø, Norway)
- Agneta Andersson (Umeå University, Sweden)
- Anders Andersson (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)
- Elinor Andrén (Södertörn University, Huddinge, Sweden)
- Linda Armbrecht (University of Tasmania, Australia)
- Fabien Arnaud (EDYTEM, Le-Bourget-du-lac, France)
- Cecilia Barouillet (INRAE CARRTEL, Thonon-les-Bains, France)
- Stefan Bertilsson (SLU, Uppsala, Sweden)
- Christian Bigler (Umeå University, Sweden)
- Richard Bindler (Umeå University, Sweden)
- Erik Björn (Umeå University, Sweden)
- Heidi Burdett (Umeå University, Sweden)
- Pär Byström (Umeå University, Sweden)
- Andrea Garcia Bravo (ICM-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain)
- Marco Coolen (Curtin University, Australia)
- Didier Debroas (LMGE, Clermont-Ferrand, France)
- Isabelle Domaizon (INRAE CARRTEL, Thonon-les-Bains, France)
- Laura Epp (Konstanz University, Germany)
- Charline Giguet-Covex (EDYTEM, Le-Bourget-du-lac, France)
- Caitlin Gionfriddo (SERC, Edgewater, USA)
- Irene Gregory-Eaves (McGill University, Canada)
- Peter Heintzman (Stockholm University, Sweden)
- Nick Kamenos (Umeå University, Sweden)
- Qi Lin (NIGLAS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
- Marie-Eve Monchamp (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
- Kevin Nota (MPI_EVA, Leipzig, Germany)
- Laura Parducci (University of Rome, Italia)
- Mikkel Winther Pedersen (Globe Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Frances Pick (University of Ottawa, Canada)
- Jarone Pinhassi (Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden)
- Ben Peterson (University of California-Davis, USA)
- Alexandra Rouillard (UiT, Tromsø, Norway)
- Johan Rydberg (Umeå University, Sweden)
- John Smol (Queen´s University, Kingston, Canada)
- Trisha Spanbauer (Toledo University, USA)
- Göran Spong (SLU Umeå, Sweden)
- Kathleen Stoof-Leichsenring (AWI, Potsdam, Germany)
- Narumi Tsugeki (Matsuyama University, Japan)
- Aurele Vuillemin (GFZ Potsdam, Germany)
- Susie Wood (Cawthron Institute, New-Zealand)